Compact battery powered (fully portable) CCTV Camera records video or pictures and is ideal for remote locations with no power or for rapid deployment temporary installations, often used by councils and police as the camera has no visible flash to the human eye.
Compact battery powered (fully portable) CCTV Camera mounted in a steel cage records video or pictures, and is ideal for remote locations that have no power, or for rapid deployment temporary installations, often used by councils and police as the camera has no visible flash to the human eye.
Compact battery powered (fully portable) CCTV Camera will record onto an SD Card but also send MMS Pictures to your mobile phone & email, ideal for remote locations that have no power, or for rapid deployment temporary installations, supplied with a Steel Security Cage.
Record Pictures or Video of Crime (or wildlife) & send verification MMS pictures to up to 6 mobile phones or email addresses using this battery powered, portable CCTV Camera with an invisible Flash.
Compact battery powered (fully portable) CCTV Camera records video or pictures and is ideal for remote locations with no power or for rapid deployment temporary installations, often used to record wildlife.
Battery powered (fully portable) CCTV Camera supplied with a Steel Cage & Solar Charger, records video or pictures (ideal for remote locations with no power or rapid deployment installations), often used by councils and police as the camera has no visible flash to the human eye.
Battery powered (fully portable) CCTV Camera will send MMS Pictures to your mobile phone & email after movement is detected by the built in sensors together with recording video or pictures onto the SD card. Supplied with a Steel Protective Cage and Solar Charger to prolong battery life.
Battery powered (fully portable) External CCTV Camera records video or pictures (ideal for remote locations with no power or for rapid deployment installations), supplied with a Solar Charger (often used by councils and police to fight Crime).
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