Push Bike Security

Push Bikes & Bicycles are being seen more and more as easy and attractive targets by thieves, with bikes becoming more technical and expensive each year, the Reward against Risk for the thief is far more attractive.

Also cycling as a hobby or sport is becoming increasingly popular, resulting in bigger markets to try and sell the stolen bikes in.

Push Bikes & Bicycles are being seen more and more as easy and attractive targets by thieves, with bikes becoming more technical and expensive each year, the Reward against Risk for the thief is far more attractive.

Also cycling as a hobby or sport is becoming increasingly popular, resulting in bigger markets to try and sell the stolen bikes in.

The general Criminal will often work out the Risk against potential Reward before committing the crime, they will take it to consideration the following:

1) Where is the push bike being stored (they may watch you coming back home or even follow you).
2) How easy is it to access the location of the Bike, are there weak doors or windows making relatively easy to force entry.
3) Is the storage location overlooked, covered by an Alarm or CCTV.
4) Is there any Security devices fitted to the Bike.
5) Is there an easy escape route (with or without the stolen Bike).
6) Basically, the chances of being successful or being caught.

They may make these decisions on the spot or they may do their homework first, they may just walk onto your property in the middle of the day with a limp excuse of being lost, whilst having a good and clear look at the layout of the property, the buildings and any visible security.

1) What is the potential financial reward.
2) Where could they sell it.
3) Who can they sell it too.
4) What chance is there of the goods being traceable if caught.

Our advice is make the Risk higher than the Reward, use any of the following ideas:

  • Lock your Push Bikes Up at all times when it is not being used.
  • Use Locks with built in Sirens or Good Quality Traditional Locks.
  • Have a Wall or Ground Anchor fitted.
  • Fit Alarms to the buildings where the Bike is being stored.
  • Fit CCTV or Dummy CCTV Cameras overlooking the storage area of the Bike.
  • Mark your property.
  • Use good locks on the storage building.
  • Use Driveway Alarms or External Alarms to give you an idea someone is near the storage location before they even get in.

These principles are not only relevant for Push Bikes, they can be used to help protect Garden Machinery, Fishing or Gold Equipment, Motorcycles, Lawn Mowers, Drills & Tools.

It may sound a lot to consider, but using just one or two of the products listed above doesn't cost a fortune but may save you a lot of upset, heartache and cost as you are making their Risk Higher for the same Reward.

If you have any questions, please contact us for Friendly No Obligation Advice.

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